Alerts from Rea Hybrids help keep you up to date with the latest local agronomy information relevant to your region and crops. These communications are an important way to learn about exciting new technologies and solutions that can help you maximize yield potential and protect crops from weeds, disease and pests.

Your Channel Seedsman — along with a trusted team of agronomists and expert personnel — help you get the most out of every stage of the season with local advice and actionable insights.

Your Channel Seedsman — along with a trusted team of agronomists and expert personnel — help you get the most out of every stage of the season with local advice and actionable insights.

Your Channel Seedsman — along with a trusted team of agronomists and expert personnel — help you get the most out of every stage of the season with local advice and actionable insights.

Fontanelle Hybrids

800 N Lindbergh Blvd,
Saint Louis, MO 63141

Email Address
[email protected]

Phone Number
(800) 279-4353
